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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Dahunsi

My IRT Experience

Towards the end of last year, I drafted a 3-year plan to pivot into Product management. I had done some extensive research, asked a few product managers for advice and started some online courses. I also started applying to work with some Startups that I admired, got some interviews but didn't actually make the cut. Then I saw a post on Linkedin about the Novustack Innovate for Africa Fellowship. I was quite excited because I had been learning and researching on my own for quite some time and this was literally a golden opportunity for me.

The Innovate for Africa Fellowship is a program with a mission to build innovation ecosystems across Africa. It consists of a team of experienced educators, entrepreneurs, and consultants passionate about building powerful learning experiences, identifying, training and supporting aspiring African talents to become innovative entrepreneurs. I would get to work with a team of like-minds individuals and also get the guidance I needed. I jumped right at it.

The Application

The application process was quite rigorous, we had to write essays and attend interviews but, I enjoyed every moment of it, especially the group interviews. Novustack embodied their values right from the jump and we the candidates could tell from just the applications. Their values are Innovation, Collaboration, Grit, Growth mindset and inclusivity/Diversity.

At the initial stage, the essays tested our ability to be innovative, we wrote short essays on past innovative or entrepreneurial projects we embarked on or ideas we would love to work on etc. In the next stage, we were put in groups to work on a specific project, this tested our abilities to work as a team with people from different backgrounds. I loved this stage. The final stage of the process was a one-on-one interview which I had with one of their amazing facilitators - Chukwuma Ukaha.

At the final stage, I was quite nervous about whether or not I would get in, a rejection would most definitely have hurt because I was already so invested and intrigued. Fortunately for me, I was selected. I was so happy.

The Innovative Arretes

Week 1

I remember vividly the first day of the IRT. I took a selfie cause I was literally bursting with excitement, this was huge for me, it was my first real-time opportunity to gain experience in Product Management. Our first day was majorly for Orientations, we got to know the team, what was expected of us and what the next couple of weeks were going to seem like. We were also briefed on the 3 different tracks - Product management, Data Analysis and Digital Marketing. Each track was assigned a hard skills coach that would be working directly with us and we were also asked to pick our preferred clients' consultations projects and the hackathon *drum roll*

Week 2 & 3

Over the next 2 weeks, we were grouped into teams and I got to work on a hackathon project that created a solution to Hospital Management Systems in the healthcare space. Meighan Hooper facilitated our training in Design thinking approach to creating customer centric products and I worked in a team of 5 talented colleagues - Phillip Okedi, Adah Augustine, Joshua Adetunbi, Isaac Omolayo and my humble self. Our solution is a web platform called Dochere, heres a short description of the project - Link

Right after the Hackathon we had the Personal Brand Lessons all the while working our clients consultancy projects. It was eventful!

Week 4

At the final week, there was this atmosphere of relief. I had become quite acquainted with a few of the Fellows and I almost didn't want the hackathon to end! Even though I’d had a couple of sleepless nights here and there I had learnt so much in such a short period of time, I felt excited and equipped to work remotely with a promising startup. I knew I was in a community of people who are always willing to help and I rest assured that the skills and experience gained would forever be of value in my career.

Guest Speakers

Each week, a different guest speaker was invited to talk to us on various topics, some of my favorites are: Amelia Thompson who taught us that service opens goes beyond our imagination and Oyinlolo Jones told us the three things important to make are career switch are : Focus, Commitment and Self growth.

I started this journey with the hope of learning and I can proudly say it has surpassed my expectations. I am appreciative of the great minds behind this startup. So here's a huge THANK YOU, to the founding Team and the amazing facilitators!

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