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Product Manager

MuajirI HRS is a human resource consultancy firm that specializes in HR solutions including but not limited to:

1. Smart recruitment services

2. Human resource administration

3. Outsourced human resource services

4. Administration of Psychometric tests

5. Training - communication skills, office etiquette among others


My colleague and I are currently working on building a functional website that would vastly improve Muajiris recruitment output.

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The Team

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This was an intensive 30 days client project done by a team of two people during the Novustack Innovation Readiness Training Exercise.


The Prompt

To build a solution that is focused on streamlining the best candidates for our clients.


The Solution

We focused creating a platform that would enroll each job applicant in a compulsory pre-assessment screening before they apply.



  • Design

  • Market research

  • Project Management



As a startup, Muajiri is trying to streamline the best candidates for our clients. To  do this we interviewed both Muajiri's candidates and their clients to understand thee process from the Users perspective. After the interviews we created  a roadmap and PRD that we would work withover the course of 6-9 months until the product is launched.


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