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Product Manager

Doc-Here is a Hospital Management System (HMS) designed to help patients book appointments, receive online consultation, and obtain inter-hospital referrals in order to reduce wait time in the hospital and improve healthcare provision.


Project Duration: 2weeks

Date: 04 - Jan  - 2022



This was a mock hackathon done during the Novustack Innovate for Africa Fellowship as part of the design-thinking course.



The Prompt

To identify and create a solution that solves a problem facing the healthcare industry in Nigeria



The Solution

My team decided to tackle the inefficiencies in the patient visits - long waiting hours, lack of inter-hospital referrals for cases that require such. This culminated in Doc-Here, an all-encompassing Hospital Management System.


Key Skills

  • Concept Ideation

  • Market Research

  • Design Thinking

  • Prototyping

  • Project Management

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The most important thing at this stage was to listen to the users, set aside my own assumptions, and gain real insights into my users and their needs. I believe I was able to achieve this. I started with quantitative research by putting out interviews where we just asked a few questions and received some data

Building a Customer Persona


We created a customer avatar to get a firm grasp of who our customers might be. We built a fictitious buyer persona of a targeted customer. We sought to identify behavioural and buyer characteristics to determine how our target customer will behave and act. We focused on demographic information, backstory, goals and motivations, roadblocks, and special information

Defining the Problem


We asked specific questions from a list to identify consumers' current problems while getting medical help. We segmented our interviews to focus on two customers; the patients and the doctors. Our research focused solely on the consumers' responses and then drew out the problem statement. About 75% of the patients' responses highlighted the long wait time during hospital visits while doctors lamented the overflow of patients.

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